Technical Advisors
In addition to the Steering Committee, a number of people are involved in the project, either via a formal contract or informally, because of their technical expertise.
Ian Bowman
Architect & Conservator
BA, BArch, MA Conservation Studies. Ian has considerable experience as either a project architect or as a conservation architect, that includes the conservation of Government House, Parliament Buildings, town halls and theatres
Adam Thornton
Structural Engineer
Managing Director Dunning Thornton, BE (Hons) FIPENZ CPEng IPENZ MACENZ. Adam has 30 structural engineering experience on an extremely broad range of commercial, institutional, high-rise, retail projects and heritage projects.
Wyn Clark
Structural Engineer
BE (Civil) CP Eng InterPE (NZ) – Executive officer of the New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineers. Wyn has an extensive background in structural engineering and is one of New Zealand’s leading earthquake engineering experts.
Mike Vincent
Heritage Advisor Planning
BRS, Mike works for Heritage New Zealand and is responsible for providing heritage planning advice to 13 territorial authorities in the Canterbury & West Coast Regions.
Dave Margetts
Heritage Advisor Architecture
BArch, Member of ICOMOS NZ. Dave works for Heritage New Zealand and is responsible for providing heritage conservation advice to 13 Territorial Authorities in the Canterbury & West Coast Regions.
Mark Marinan
Structural Engineer
Whakapapas to George Millar, architect and engineer of the 1908 and 1937 Runanga Miners Hall.
Heritage New Zealand staff meet with RMH supporters to advise on the restoration project in June 2014. L to R: Paul Maunder, Paul Thomas, Brian Wood, ?? Win Clark, Rob Hall, Dave Margetts, Paul Kearns and Les Holmes. Photo: Stewart Nimmo.